Buchan’s Blueberry Hill is a 100 year old family fruit farm located about 9 miles up Old Mission Peninsula at 1472 Nelson Road.

They offer U-Pick blueberries and apples, fresh pressed unpasteurized apple cider and…

homemade artisan ice cream made with local fruit.

If you’ve never picked your own fruit, it’s a fun and easy (sometimes messy) group activity. Just grab a bucket.

look for the ripe berries AND

start picking.

If you still want more instructions, here’s a neat How-To video from the Michigan Agritourism Board.
Deer love blueberries as seen in this photo.

No visit to a U-Pick blueberry farm is complete without talking to a parrot.

This guy wasn’t up for conversation and he quickly let me know it. Yikes.

After gathering and paying for our berries, visiting the parrot and eating homemade ice cream we headed for home.

I highly recommend you visit Buchan’s Blueberry Hill for an enjoyable hands-on educational adventure on Old Mission Peninsula. For more information, visit their website at https://www.buchansblueberryhill.com/.